
What happens when a tomboy goes on a women’s retreat?

When groups of women start to organize and do events together, you’ll typically see me running the other way.   I’m not sure if it’s my strong masculine energy, my past experiences dealing with the cattiness that can sometimes happen with groups of women, or just my enjoyment of hanging with the boys.   Then I met my friend Nikki who formed Women in Balance (WIB).   We share the same affinity for bad assery and hanging with the guys…..pushing ourselves to the limit in fitness classes, swearing like sailors, and just getting shit done.   I thought well, I love her so I’ll check it out.   And so came another lesson in my life regarding the need to avoid putting up my wall and give things a chance. Last week I was a staff member for a WIB retreat in Sedona, Arizona.   The first day or so had its fair share of discomfort as I really didn’t know these ladies well.  As a staff member, I also wanted to make sure we provided an amazing experience and put a fair amount of pressure on


As the clock struck midnight a few days ago, or, if you were like me and woke up in the new year, what did you find yourself thinking about?  Did you reflect on the past year?  Did you spend some time thinking about the highs and lows?  Did you start to make a list of all that you wanted to accomplish and change in 2018?  As we go through big transitions, I think it's a great exercise to pause and think about what we may want to leave behind and bring forward in our lives. AND, I had a very interesting epiphany during the days leading up to 12/31/17.  Often, when I feel let down or frustrated with how something turned out, it's not because of how things actually happened.  It's because of the EXPECTATIONS that I set within myself with regard to how I THOUGHT things should turn out. Let's take Christmas morning as an example.  The night before as I wrapped presents, I envisioned the kids coming to wake us up (at a reasonable hour) in the morning.  We would all hug

Holy shit I'm 40!

I turned 40 on July 25 and wanted to write a captivating blog discussing my transition to the next decade. I was going to reflect on all that I've learned and all that I still wanted to become.  It was going to be epic. When I started chronologically looking at my life, dividing it up by decades, I what? I still don't know shit, and I scrapped the entire idea. But, the truth is, I do have a ton of thoughts that I want to discuss with people. I'm hungry to share and take in and learn. Hence, my new endeavor into blogging. So being a few weeks into my 40s, what have I learned? One thing has been sticking with me and seems to come up over and over. "I don't care what you think." This is not meant to be some sociopath's stance I'm taking. The truth is, I've cared way too much and way too long about what other people think. I inconvenience myself on the littlest of things in order to make sure others are happy, appeased, or comfor